
_of In So Many Words... (Part 1-Family)

Part 1: Family

  Everyone has their own family. I know, in any time of your life, you might hear someone next to you or even a stranger passing through the road and sees you being down and all says that they don't have a family. Yes, you might just get a tiny bit of sympathy towards them, but they are lying. Big time.

  It may sounds harsh, but we all have family. Oh wait, you lose me there, don't you? Let's backtrack a bit. Directly taken from the Oxford Dictionaries website, apart from the usual meaning of "family", it also means people having the same ancestry (if you believe in Adam and Eve) or if you are Darwinism deep at heart, then it means coming from the same evolutionary group (ape, anyone?).

[However, I myself think it is funny why people associate Darwinism with apes. Seriously, if evolution is THAT thing, shouldn't it be cells and micro-organisms instead? But let's not distract ourselves.]

  Apparently, I have an excellent, supportive family. Okay, scratch that. Who am I kidding? Of course I have an insanely annoying family. We all do. That is what a family is for. Being crazily irritating and so on. However, as I Grow Up (read: spent lots and lots of my parents' money), I do realize that sometimes (okay, many times), they do support me. They do look after me. And they do love me. 

How much more corny can you get? It's getting cheesier still.

  Though I feel grateful towards them and wouldn't mind kissing the ground they are walking (on second thought, I DO mind kissing the ground they are walking. God knows how many bacterias there is on the floor. Yucks.), more often than not, I do feel the pressure of having to listen to all their advices and suggestions. I mean, ALL.

  Okay, 'fess up. How often are you being threatened by your family or else there will be no allowance for you? How many times have you heard that something is not good for you and yet they  do it? How frequently are you asked to get marry soon with the person they like? (okay, the last question is obviously not depicting my situation. But there are people who do that. Believe me.)

  The question being, how much longer can you follow? To me, till death do us part should NEVER been used for husbands and wives. It should be for the families. But then again, you might want to add more to the sentence slightly: Till death do us part, but then again, maybe not.  

p.s. No disrespect for those who really do care for their family. I salute you.

_of In So Many Words...

  I have always wanted to write more in so many words, some thoughtful words from the heart. And as it is a month of self-improving, the "segment" will be (hopefully) aptly called In So Many Words. Self-explanatory, too, there will not be any pictures involved. So, you may skip them altogether if you dislike it. 

  But, I hope that as time goes by, it will grow on you, just like the idea has been growing inside me for a long time and I think it is the time to realize that idea. 

"When ideas are not just ideas, but more in so many words..."

p.s. Don't worry, every so often I will write usual posts too. It won't disappear as it is the heart of this blog. Consider this as a "branch of the headquarter", shall we?


_of Patience being more that JUST a Virtue

  I believe the title is self-explanatory. 

That might be me.

  Having a new in-law in the house means a lot of things have changed for the family. And many a time, complaints made regarding my "unenthusiastic and unwelcoming" behaviour towards the newlyweds pissed me off.

  Many a time, therefore, I have a tendency to do this...

But being the scaredy-cat that I am (read: su la 卒仔)...
...I tend to bottle it up.

  As it is the month of Ramadhan, patience is more than JUST  a virtue.



_of P.S. Man *squeals the Fan-Girl*

偷心大圣 P.S. 男

  Please allow me a few minutes of becoming a raving lunatic fangirl.

That's...er...the "raving fan-girl".

  And so that you will be forced to watch it, I won't write any review. Enough to say, this drama series gets the rating of...

...4 out of 5 from me!!!

  And just in case you are not persuaded yet...

...maybe this would make you?
  Or just in case that cannot possibly persuade you still, I shall have to show you my personal weapon...

Enough said.


_of Deja Vu, My Secret

Let us start this story with Stewie.

  You know Stewie. You don't? Well, well. Perhaps you would remember The Song?

Lois: It seems today,
That all you see,
Is violence in movies,
and sex on T.V.

Peter: But where are those good old fashion values....

All: On which we used to rely?!
Lucky there's a family guy!
Lucky there's a man who,
positively can do,
all the things that make us...

Stewie: laugh and cry!

All: He's a Fam-ily Guy!

  Still don't? Nevermind, at least I've tried.
But let's just pretend to start from there, shall we?
Cue in...

...and the heavy storm, if you insist.
  A long long long time ago, I had the opportunity to become a Stalker in the Internet, which I believe is in direct contradiction with this post I wrote eons ago.

Iknowwhatyouwannado. Allow me, please. I'm trying to help you save the time.

  After the usual nonsensical beginning of a story...

...like this...

and before you ask me to do this...

  Allow me to give you a rather depressing theory:

"You are one in a million. And there are 6++ billions people on Earth. So, there is the tiny but accurate assumption that there might just be another thousand of you minus one around. Yes?"
  Now, I know you guys would just love to...


...in a WWE-Smackdown! style and...

...by just saying,

I found his doppelganger!

p.s.: Just to mend your heart...

I should just stop the issue already, right?

_of Ramadhan Al Mubarak

A belated wish for all Muslims out there. 

Happy fasting to all Muslims!

_of Creating a New Facebook Account

  I have reconsidered the pros of opening a new account for "easy access".

Only the "pros", mind you. That's all.
  And voila, feel free to find me there! ^_^